How to become a member of

Do you want to become a member of Well well, you have come to the right place! This here blog post is gonna be a detailed guide on how to apply to the biggest group in all of 2b2t, the process of applying and a small list of some requirements.
We do not demand too much when it comes to the requirements, but you must be over legal age to use discord(13+) and have at least some experience with Minecraft and 2b2t. But if you do have something to offer to the group, you can decide if that's gonna be your good programming skills, unique building style or maybe even your godly pvp abilities, that's all up to you! We are looking for talented and dedicated people who can contribute their skills to helping improve the group.
But just a fair warning though, do not apply to be a deliverer, cause we already have enough deliverers to help out with the group, or BGP will be angry with you and it would mess your chances of being accepted!!
In order to submit your application, create a ticket in our Discord server and fill out the required fields. Staff will probably contact you within 48h, they might be busy. Once your application has been reviewed, we might ask you a few extra questions
(join the discord server here
What next?
If your application is good and we accept you into the group, then congrats! If your application gets rejected, then don't give up just yet, you can ask us and learn why we decided so and you can always reapply in the future. (Don't spam us though)