Shop-Research(by BGP)
I was wondering what the current situation was regarding the status of the shops of 2b2t and how many there were, etc. I decided to start collecting data on shops and writing it into a spreadsheet. In this blog post, I will go over my methodology, as well as my findings and graphs.
How i got the data

A while ago I was doing research on the discord links of the 2b2t chat, to find which ones were used the most. LolRiTTeR was kind enough to provide me the data of every 2b2t chat message containing an invite link since 2019. The results of this prior project can be found in this reddit post:
(Sorry about the outdated information cause this post has already been archived/deleted long ago)
As I needed to collect lots of shop discords today, I wrote a program to go through every unique invite link in this collection and look it up in the Discord API to return information on it, such as the server name. This then resulted in 785 unique servers, which I manually went through to check if they were shop-related.
For every shop, I recorded the number of messages in its reviews channel. I calculated when the shop was formed and ended based on the first and last review (with a few exceptions). As I only calculate the number of reviews, not orders, the number may be artificially low for shops like where few players make reviews as most buy online.
I also did not record any shops with no existing discord because I don't have any data for them. The only exception to this was for Shulkerroad as we termed their discord like 10 times, and so much of their data got leaked.

Analyzing the Data
An Abacaba-inspired animated bar-chart race showing the longest-lasting 2b2t shops over time
Here is a sorted pie chart of shops by the number of reviews. Again, is not the highest here because only a small portion joins the discord and leaves a review.
The oldest shop I was able to find was Wao's original shop, which was created on the 8th of August 2018, just over a year before 2b2t.Shop! It is possible there are older shops, though I remember the "TrashingYourAss shop" was the biggest before 2b2t.Shop. I also found certain players such as City selling kits in community servers a few months before Wao's shop opening, but not making a dedicated server so I didn't count this.

some of the shops I found were from this old spreadsheet from the Shulkerroad leaks:

It is surprising that there are so many old shops and not many new shops, but I guess it is due to the lack of dupes in recent years.
Most shops close down very fast as owners realize that 2b2t is not a good way to make money and they can make 10x more per hour just working a minimum wage job. I assume all of the alive shops just do it for fun rather than profit. For 2b2t.Shop, we use all the profits from the shop to buy things for the group.
If you are interested, my full spreadsheet is available for download at [2b2t.Group_shops.ods]

Sadly, interest is very low on 2b2t at the moment. This is reflected in the sales volume.
The most popular items each month can be found from the leaked Shulkerroad data at Shulkerroad Leaked Data.
1 Year of Shulkerroad orders can be found here: Shulkerroad Orders.
2b2t.Shop has a similar system, but we have not had any data leaks, so the data will not be leaked to protect our customer's privacy. Although this is old, we now use a web interface only for our delivery team.