Why does 2b2t have an anti-cheat for?

So you might be wondering why even though 2b2t, a server that's well known for having absolutely no written rules whatsoever(other than some minor patches and bans), would use an anti-cheat for. What is an anti-cheat? How does it help level the playing field for hackers and pvpers in an environment where "everything goes?". Well in todays blog, I shall help explain what is the use of the anti-cheat, what it is, and why its being used in the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft!
So why in a server where there is no rules of any kind, would need a anti-cheat? Well, from the introduction about anti-cheat from www.2b2t.online/wiki, its stated that Anti Cheat are plugins added to Minecraft servers to prevent players from hacking. In the case of 2b2t, and several other anarchy servers, the anti-cheats purpose is to make the server workable and pleasant, putting certain limitations on specific types of behavior-usually to prevent extreme forms of hacking,(flying, super speed, etc.) to ensure fair play on the server, while less overpowered forms are usually accepted(Jesus, Kill Aura, etc.)
Other purposes of the anti-cheat include:
Preventing Unstable exploits:
Other cheats and exploits go even further than simple player enhancement and cause extreme server lag or even crashes. For example, duplication glitches or excessive entity creation can put an extreme load on a server, disrupting gameplay for all players. The Anti-cheat on 2b2t tries to stop extreme exploits that would otherwise make the server unplayable, maintaining stability on a larger scale for all the player base.
Stabilizing the server
Hacks that give players an incredible amount of speed, clip them through walls, or bypass large pieces of the map can really destroy the internal structure of a server. The anti-cheat system prevents a wide variety of movement and action hacks that would compromise the stability and longevity of the server. This makes it so that players have freedom to use hacks, but are not able to exploit the server in ways that would harm them or others in a very unfair manner.
Furthermore,2b2t is known for its rich history, with a world that was created in 2010. This map contains many historical structures and artifacts from as far back as to the beginnings of 2b2t. By limiting the use of destructive exploits, the server's anti-cheat protects the integrity of these historical elements, allowing the server to maintain its allure for long-time players and new adventurers alike.
Level the playing field for all players
The core appeal of 2b2t is a very anarchic game in which we use many different hacks to survive. Were there not some restrictions, a few of the cheats would become overpowering and dominate the gameplay experience, which no one would be able to counter against without the need of extreme hacks as well.
The anti-cheat thus maintains a unique balance where players can hack but cannot use the most excessive cheats that would destroy the competitive spirit of the server.
Anti-Cheat used in 2b2t
So now we know what's the use of anti-cheat in 2b2t, lets look into the anti-cheat plugins 2b2t used:
1) NCP(No Cheat Plus)
NoCheatPlus(a.k.a NCP), has been the anti cheat implemented by Hause since the rise of server networks, plugins, and hacked clients way back during the full release days of Minecraft. NCP can be administered by plugin companies such as Bukkit or, in 2b's case, Spigot.
This, in turn, earned the anti-cheat a lot of criticism from the early players as they could no longer fly around or go insane speeds. The people bashed Hause for it, criticizing that the anti cheat prevented true anarchy. Despite the critics, Hause never removed the anti-cheat and has been part of the server up to its replacement by AAC.
The anti-cheat, over time, became somewhat praised by the community due to the fact that it prevents game-breaking hacks but yet, for the most part, allows normal cheats like Kill Aura and things of that nature, allowing some of the true anarchy to remain on the server.
Tutorial for NCP
2)AAC(Advanced Anti-Cheat)
Advanced Anti Cheat (or simply AAC) is another anti-cheat implemented into 2b2t by either Hause or Curtis. The anti cheat was implemented sometime in April 25th, 2017 and removed some time in Late April/Early May. It is administered solely by Spigot.
The anti-cheat was also very panned as players, such as torogadude, have pointed out that it prevented a lot of normal hacks, whereas NCP to an extent did, but largely did not. Things like speed mining, kill aura, Jesus, and slower speed hacks were known to kick players from the server.
The anti-cheat was rendering many of the most popular cheat clients on the server, such as Impact, Future, and Wurst, almost useless. Players had to be conscience about how much they use their regular hacks. In fact, even players without hacks were kicked due to horrendous lag. Hause was sent hundreds of emails on the day it was added in order for it to be removed. As it would, 90 players, including no hack players, were reportedly kicked on the first day.
Only video i could find on AAC in English ngl
Eventually, due to lots of criticism and issues Hause eventually listened and reverted the AAC back to NCP. This was most likely due to an update in NCP and that the Apocalypse Exploit(ApocalypseExploit) has been patched due to an IRC plugin that was implemented in order to fix the source code and tracks issues.
However, in early of April of 2018, 2b2t went back to AAC for unknown reasons. It is the the current anti-cheat on the server and doesn't seem to be leaving anytime soon, despite the various issues it has been causing and the many complaints about it.
How does anti-cheat fit into 2b2t where the server has no rules or regulations?
The anti-cheat system of 2b2t is almost a complete contradiction to the server's "no rules" policy , yet it reinforces the core philosophy of the server in subtle ways: while the server is anarchic, it's also community-driven, and too much chaos harms the experience for everyone. The anti-cheat gives a very minimal set of rules that makes the game challenging and thrilling without turning it into an unplayable mess. Allowing some hacks while blocking extreme forms of cheating, this server creates an environment unlike any other where chaos and playability exist together.
Freedom within limits: 2b2t is still a sandbox where players can explore, grief, fight, and build, unlike any other. Anti-cheat doesn't fully stop the players from hacking but sets a boundary to maintain functionality, balance, order, and fun in gameplay.
Preservation of Legacy: The server’s 10+ years of history, including legendary builds and historical sites, would be at risk without the anti-cheat. It protects the longevity of 2b2t’s iconic world, allowing new players to experience the same infamous map that’s been shaped by generations of players.

Anticheat on 2b2t is one of those crucial tools that allows this server to maintain its characteristic position of being a very challenging, chaotic anarchy server without drifting into the extremes that would render it unplayable. The anticheat system helps balance 2b2t through placing boundaries on the most destabilizing cheats. Thus, though 2b2t may be known for no rules, this single system can show that even from the purest anarchy, control will be needed.
On 2b2t, to the players, anti-cheat is a reminder that, though freedom may be near absolute, the demands for keeping up a playground of chaos relatively stable need a few guardrails.